Tuesday, October 30, 2007

ITB Again...

Really getting angry and frustrated with this. So the W&OD ride I made it around 20 miles before I start feeling it and around 30 miles it hurt like hell. I've been stretching every night hoping it would help... so far it hasn't. Neighbor showed me a stretch that worked for him and I can feel it in the knee more than the hip so I'll try that. I'm going to be really depressed if I can't get this licked by spring.

W&OD Trail

On Sunday, a group from MORE took a road ride on the W&OD trail since most of the single track was too wet to ride. Started at the Vienna Train Station and went North with a total round trip of 37.6 miles. Took the Redline 925 instead of the road bike and it worked out well. What an amazing resource to have; thousands of homes and hundreds of businesses all connected by a MUP. I wish Maryland had a few more of these.

Thursday, October 25, 2007


Rain... haven't ridden since Monday, haven't done anything much since Monday! Maybe Sunday it will be dry?!?!

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Midday Ride

Got out at lunch today to Black Hill and did a short 9.5 mile loop. I forgot how nice it is to just get out there and blow off some stress. Didn't see a sole except a horse rider who was real nice about letting me pass.

On the downside it looks like my fork is leaking. Just going to take it into the shop so I won't have to deal with it.

Need to do a semi-epic in the next few weeks before the weather turns....

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Feeling Spunky!

So I've been down on my biking because of two consecutive rides basically ruined by the ITB knee swelling. Last night I went out to Schaeffer to get some singletrack in with no real goals, just to have fun. It was late so I only got 10 miles in but I felt good and had a great time.

This morning I did the bike commute and was feeling really strong for some reason. Ended up with a 17.8mph average which was 1.2 mph faster than my best coming in time (going home is faster). Really surprised me...

Monday, October 8, 2007

Seagull done!

So I'm done with my first century. We did it in 5 hours and 20 minutes (around 18.5mph) which is better than I expected. Grabbed a few pulls that helped out alot, especially the 25-27mph train from mile 86 to mile 96. I wish I could of stuck with them, but the three horses in the front took it up to 27-29mph and people were shedding like paper. Lots of fun though.

Had problems with my ITB in my left leg again. Started at mile 30 and around mile 70 I thought I was done. Got to figure out how to stop that from acting up. Going to work real hard this off season on stretching and see if it makes a difference.

Need to work on intensity some, I can go for a long time, but not at the pace some of the people could do.

Friday, October 5, 2007

Seagull tomorrow

Leaving in a few hours... Seagull Page